Blue Ocean Technologies Announces Launch of Blue Ocean ATS Afterhours Trading System Empowering Global Investors


BOATS is Making Trading Possible for US NMS Stocks Overnight

NEW YORKOct. 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Blue Ocean Technologies (BOT), a unique capital markets fintech company and leader in global afterhours trading, announced today the official launch of The Blue Ocean ATS, known as BOATS. After going live in beta in June 2021, Blue Ocean ATS has expanded its market center to include leading broker dealers on its platform that are connected with the common goal of empowering global investors and traders in time zones outside US eastern time to trade at more convenient times. BOATS currently offers subscribers the ability to trade via its Blue Ocean Session from 8:00 pm – 4:00 am ET.

Blue Ocean ATS is partnered with leading broker dealers that serve institutions and cater to retail investors. These broker dealers subscribe to and directly connect to the BOATS platform to allow their clients to access transparent, electronic trading and data during a time previously not available to investors. Blue Ocean Technologies established Blue Ocean ATS with industry veterans and experts in electronic trading and capital markets with a vision to expand its reach to Asia-Pacific Investors.

President and Chief Operating Officer of Blue Ocean Technologies, Brian Hyndman, commented, “We are delighted to officially launch BOATS and see Blue Ocean ATS gain traction with industry market participants who want more trading options. The past two years helped validate BOT’s vision of the evolving US market structure to incorporate a broader global trading mindset to facilitate overnight trading for investors across US time zones on the West Coast and overseas. We are excited to continue to expand our offering and proud to have been well-received by the industry,” he added.

Urbana Corporation Chairman Thomas S. Caldwell commented, “Congratulations to the Blue Ocean ATS team on the official launch of the BOATS trading platform. The industry response during the beta confirmed market demand to expand US trading hours so global investors can execute trading strategies after hours. Blue Ocean ATS benefits subscribers who want to manage risk and trade when news breaks overnight, while facilitating US capital markets trading among the Asia-Pacific community during their normal business day. We are proud to contribute to the evolution of global trading.”

Brian Hyndman will be presenting today, October 5th, at the “Money Show Virtual Expo” at 3:20pm ET on “Making Trading Possible Afterhours,” click here for the complimentary registration to Brian’s presentation or to visit the Blue Ocean Technologies Money Show virtual booth, click here.

Blue Ocean ATS clients include, Virtu Financial, Jane Street, LEK, Score Priority Corp. to name a few. Please visit our newly launched website.

About Blue Ocean Technologies:

Blue Ocean Technologies, LLC (BOT) is a unique capital markets fintech company empowering global investors by making trading possible during US overnight trading hours. Blue Ocean Technologies’ US broker dealer subsidiary, Blue Ocean ATS, LLC, and its trading system Blue Ocean Alternative Trading System (BOATS), currently trade US National Market System (NMS) stocks from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am ET from Sunday – Thursday.

Founded in 2019, Blue Ocean ATS is on a mission to transform US trading to Global trading via its flagship service, Blue Ocean Session, providing access and transparency to subscribers in all time zones during non-traditional US market hours. Learn more about how to connect: sales@blueoceanats.

For additional information, please visit our website: and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.


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